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Star Power For The Next Stage!

Attention Burgeoning Female Vocal Artists

.... is your career taking off like a brilliant Skyrocket already with the support of well over 70,000 adoring fans and a World Tour in the making by the major International Label you are now signed with?

Or not really ....?

The popular multi-genre band I started in San Francisco was quickly signed with MGM in Los Angeles and we are now creating the European version from that base.

Join the Band of Your Dreams

Be a contributing female driving force in an innovative new hit band and take your musical and vocal talent to the next level. Come together with other happy independent and independent-thinking, intelligent and commercially appealing 20 - 30 smtg women to create something special for the world with us now!

That includes recording some really cool new likely-hit songs ....

... and we welcome adding your compositions which fit our World Helping subtle goal!

Instrumente (Erfahrungslevel):

Sänger (Fortgeschrittener)




21-29 Jahre





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