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Dr Gholam Sarwar is a best Chiropractor & Physiotherapist in Dwarka. He is a healthcare professional who specializes in diagnosing and treating issues related to the musculoskeletal system.Dr Sarwar has many therapies like IASTM therapy, Laser therapy, IFT, Tens, Sports injuries Therapy, Dry Needling, Home Physiotherapy, Cupping therapy... etc. particularly focusing on the spine. Chiropractors use manual techniques and adjustments to manipulate the spine and other joints with the goal of improving alignment, mobility, and overall function of the body. They believe that proper alignment of the spine can help the body heal itself and alleviate various conditions, especially those related to pain and discomfort Chiropractor in Dwarka Moreveiw:- physiotherapist near me physiotherapist in Delhi Chiropractor near me Chiropractor in Delhi Local Business Listing physiotherapist in Dwarka physiotherapist in Delhi Chiropractor in Dwarka Chiropractor in Delhi

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